Heating units can be a very dangerous piece of equipment, if unknowingly malfunctioning or improperly repaired or installed. Contact us and get the peacefulness that comes with knowing your heating unit was repaired, installed, and/or serviced by a qualified, experience heating technician.

Ducane air conditioners carry a five (5) year warranty on parts and compressor. Ducane furnaces carry a lifetime warranty on heat exchangers and five (5) year warranty on parts, and are 92.1% Efficient. Check out Ducane's web site at: www.ducanehvac.com
*we do not service,repair or install oil fed heating equipment.

When the heat starts to rise outside, we all look for the satisfying cooling and comfort of our central air conditioners.The convenience of walking room to room in your home with total cooling pleasure while the sun bakes the outdoors is a feeling central air conditioner owners would not give up for the world. Once installed people seldom think of their air conditioner till it's time to turn the thermostat on. Your going to rely on that unit to do alot, not only do they cool your enviroment but they also control humidity levels, remove pollen and allergens from inside air, reduce mold buildup and keep your computer equipment running in the exact temperature and humidity critical for that equipment to run appropriately. If your air conditioner isn't running properly, such as incorrect refrigerant levels, (too low or too high) it will cause your unit to run extremely inefficient with substanstial operating costs to you. Let us keep your air conditioner working the way it was meant to, accurate, percise and completely reliable.
Contact us for all your air conditioning and gas or electric fed heating needs at: (315) 793-0513 for 7 Day A Week Prompt Personal Service, or e-mail us at: service@ronbusheyrefrigeration.com. For more information about our air conditioning/heating services offered, e-mail to: info@ronbusheyrefrigeration.com. We look forward to hearing from you.
